Three Monolithic Bears Microsoft, Dell and Intel
I have adopted an orphaned Dell Inspiron 14R or N1420.Adopted because I have lavished untold hours of my most
precious lifetime bringing it into submission.
Orphaned because the owner who won it in a raffle had it
two years before I showed her there was a Video Camera
on it. A very strange thing since she told me that she had
one, a Web cam, at home.
The first dilemma is the obscenity of Intel to dictate to me
how my property must be configured to the extreme of giving
me the passphrase and ESSID for my router. If that is not
enough, the errant miscreant abandoner has Norton AV
that she can not install. Yet and still, likely as not it has
made a contribution to the nightmare by way of firewall and
Window Defender Intrusiveness.
I am writing this for those familiar with the art of Wrestling
with such Bears as these. Windows 7 has surpassed it
self in benefits not the least of which is chkdsk. Powerful
and detail focus has the will and ability to correct a world
of cluster mishaps that result when you cut into a large
partition to steal some space for Ubi.
Thinking that I had to create a larger space and trying to
shrink the greedy win7 partition I am instructed to do the
chkdsk before shrinking. Since I have deleted Ubi I can
not reboot win7 without reinstalling Ubi. And so I do and
then chkdsk and now I wait to do the shrinking so I can
then delete again and install again all to determine if my
Ubi can use the Intel Wifi.
My puppy could not run it and I want to see if the last Ubi
can do it. Well the long and short is that I did wrestle three
quarters of one day and one quarter of the second to be left
insulted by the nerve of an Indian telling me that I had been
sent to a fee based tech to solve my problem. To which I
promptly replied that it was unmitigated gall to waste so
much of my valuable time without solving my problem under
warranty and then insult me by asking me for money.
He said that there was nothing he could do. So I told him
that there was something I could do. Since they did not
offer to pay me for all of my valuable time they wasted I
would dedicate my all to seeing Dell Dead Demised and
Destroyed so they would all have to find another way to
cheat and steal from the unsuspecting public.
And so we have launched the Boycott Dell Movement in
as much as they are the ones perpetrating this fraud of
consumer centricity. Dell Has Won The Award for 2012
Worse of All Vendors to Buy Technology From.
Please cast your vote in favor or against and why also
What was your most rewarding buying experience.
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