Sunday, October 28, 2012

ADA, Good to Know.
World Wide, we - those facing emotional
or physical challenges are 650 Million

In America, we are Lawyers, Doctors,
Governors, University Presidents and
moving in all walks of life.

In Buffalo the
City of Refuge and Empowerment
is determined to break new ground
in self determination and actualization. 
We have identified two service gaps
at crisis levels in our City.

First the Sibling Foster Care Crisis and
Second being emerging therapies for Autism,
Asperger Syndrome and PDD out of the
reach of those withour the funds in our city.

Controlling four properties at corner
of Plymouth Ave and Hampshire St. in
Buffalo we are confronted by broken
promises and predators determined to
block our path.

Monday October 29, 2012 the last piece
of the grand design namely 152 Hampshire
St Lost Oct. 21, 2008 by Owner of Record
 In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy  and to date the
Bank instructed to bring foreclosure to the
party whom has just lost it in this judgment
has taken no action.

So you have to wonder how can the bank
move against the party whom is only an
owner on paper and not in fact.

At the juncture that "Owner" moved out
of the property we spoke and agreed the
property adjacent, the empty lot, would
be sold to us and later in a notarized
letter he consented that we could pay
taxes and fees on 152 Hampshire in lien
against any who would try to block our

On strength of these two understandings
we have shoveled snow cut grass and kept
the premises secure from drug dealers and
other safety challenges found in any vacant
property, and made payments to City and
to County,  while faililng to keep it off of
the Foreclosure List.

For these service our lien stands at now
$10,000.00 and we are under threat to
loose the site at the foreclosure auction.
In violation of the spirit of the Federal
Guarantee to Americans with Disabilities.

I have sent word to Peter Grubea, John
Luhr, Muse Disability Services, the Tom
Golisano Foundation. Our Comptroller,
and our City Counsel

To bring to bear the weight of the law
that protects the disabled. Most surely
when they are self determined in their
independence and self actualization.

Noemi Santiago in David Rivera's Office
and Douglas Ruffin I am sure will be
most happy to know what is the best
way to proceed in this matter please
share your view.

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